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 「攻殻機動隊 THE GHOST IN THE SHELL」はメディアミックスになり過ぎて、パラレルな攻殻が乱立している感があるが、原点は史郎正宗の漫画「攻殻機動隊」からすべてが始まったことを忘れてはいけない。




劇場版「攻殻機動隊 THE GHOST IN THE SHELL」は非常に、世界中の一般のサブカルファンのみならず多方面のクリエイター達にも多大なる影響を与えた。

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そして神山健治監督のTVシリーズも素晴らしい出来だ。1作目の「攻殻機動隊 Stand Alone Complex」が大好評を博し、2作目の「攻殻機動隊 S.A.C. 2nd GIG」と続き、3作目の「攻殻機動隊 STAND ALONE COMPLEX Solid State Society」も成功を収めている。


その後の黄瀬和哉総監督の「攻殻機動隊 ARISE」シリーズも良かった。個人的には鬼才・冲方丁のシナリオと、コーネリアスの音楽がとても素晴らしいと思った。音楽に関しては最初の劇場版と2作目「イノセンス」の川井憲次も、TVシリーズの菅野よう子も、それぞれアプローチは違うものの、甲乙つけがたいクオリティだ。





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YouTubeで、英語喉のプラクティスにフィットするようなクリップがないか探してみると、見つかった。「Solid State Society」の第9話「Virus」のとあるシーンがとても勉強になる。5分ほどの長さで、緊迫した場面での公安9課メンバーの会話がメインだ。













イシカワ:all right. If the 16 kids we rescued had their cyberization surgery done through legitimate channels, then the records would've been automatically recorded in the databases of the MHLW and the Management Ministry. Let's assume that they were snatched afterwards and their family registries were altered to make them look like they were the children of those old folks', there'll be a discrepancy between the number of kids listed as cyberized in the national ID database and that listed by the MHLW.

ボーマ: i follow. all of the children claimed to have the same last name as one of the seniors, so it should simple to spot.


バトー:there's got to be a mistake. if kids were being swiped in such huge numbers, i think somebody would've noticed it.

ボーマ: yeah, you're right.

イシカワ:besides, that number's way larger than anything we expected. what now?

トグサ:let's begin by eliminating the worst case scenario. first, we ascertain the names and addresses of the excess children in the database.

ボーマ: i'm on it. i can have that for you in a few seconds.

イシカワ:it's a trap!

オペレーター:this is an emergency. class E virus detected. shut down all equipment immediately. this is an emergency class E virus...

オペレーター:failure: facility override.

ボーマ:it's no use! It won't accept any commands.

イシカワ:Higaki. you and Soga, lock down the backup server.

ヒガキ: it's too late. It's already been compromised.

イシカワ: we've gotta cut the damn power, then. give me a hand.

ボーマ:so, a virus was planted in the management ministry's database, too. data's also disappearing on their side.

トグサ:is the MHLW's data intact?

ボーマ:yeah. hell if i know why, though.

バトー:move it.

オペレーター:management ministry database is...

アズマ:well, i bet the management ministry's buzzing like a poked beehive right about now.

イシカワ:shit, we just lost the best lead we had...

バトー:yeah, but that's only true if it turns out that there really were 20,000 abductions.

トグサ:what do you mean, exactly?

バトー: common sense dictates that Ka Gael's crew couldn't possibly have carried out that many kidnappings. even if we were to tell ourselves that it's the work of this hacker....the Puppeteer -- the M.O. is just too sloppy. don't you find it the least bit strange that this guy would leave traces of tampering only in the national ID system? this way, it's almost as if he's saying to us, I've nabbed these kids, now please find them.so, for what it's worth, i'll throw in my two cents. i think he's got something else in mind entirely.

荒巻:i have to concur with your opinion.


荒巻:these were sent to the MHLW's pathogenic microorganism isolation facility. analysis pegged them as a seok produced micro machine virus. this would suggest that our intel was indeed correct.

バトー: what did the person who delivered it look like?

荒巻:there were absolutely no records remaining that might have offered a clue as to who delivered it, or when.

トグサ:is there a chance that this person is the Puppeteer?

荒巻:it's possible.

イシカワ:if that's the case, what's the Puppeteer's ultimate goal here? it couldn't be to keep Ka's terrorist plot rolling.

荒巻:hmm. there's a possibility that the Puppeteer is a hacker operating under the authority of some government agency.

全員: huh? what?

荒巻:the way in which Ka Rum's death was so deftly covered up has been nagging at me. as i was trying to find some answers, i heard rumors of a suspicious conversation that took place recently between the Prime Minister and the foreign affairs ministry.

バトー:you believe that the foreign ministry used a hacker to assassinate Ka Rum, because he was such a big thorn in the government's side?

荒巻: to be perfectly blunt, yes.

バトー:in that case, we should probably start thinking of the kidnappings as a decoy. so... which section was it that took the job?

荒巻: well, this incident does not amount to a serious crime. nevertheless, if we take into consideration the results it's achieved, the government and we are on the same page. for now, the best advice i caoffer is, we should let sleeping dogs lie and avoid making the situation even worse.

全員: hmm? what?

荒巻:you are to identify the 16 children as soon as possible, but you finish there. i'm temporarily taking you off the investigation. that's all, men.

イシカワ:oh, man... all that work for nothing, and now we've got to tie up an ass load of loose ends. well, the least we can do is jump on the task at hand and track down the parents of those kids.



there's got to be a mistake

正確には there has got to だ。have got to はご存知の「~に違いない」「~しなければならない」の意味で、このセンテンスは there が主語で、there is を強調した感じで「何か間違いがあるはずだ」のような感じで使われている。

you've got to や I've got to のように、主語は様々に変えられる。

シラブル分割は there's/got/tob/be(y)/(y)am/mis/take  の7シラブルで読む。there 後の e は読まないので thers(=z) のように読む。


また、喉発音ならbe の後にY音が発生して母音にフタをするので、「ビーャミステイク」という風に聴こえるはずだ。

i'm on it


ちなみに「あなたの意見に賛成だ」は i'm on you だ。どちらも非常にシンプルである。

シラブル分割は im/mon/nit  の3シラブルで読む。



it's too late


シラブル分割は it's/too(w)/late の3シラブルで読む。最後のeは読まない。


give me a hand


シラブル分割は give/me(y)/(y)ah/hand の4シラブルで読む。

giveのeは読まない。meの後にはY音が発生して母音にフタをするので、聴こえ方が「ギミャハンド」のようになる。このY音のせいで、give me your hand と勘違いしている人もいるようだ。それは「あなたの手をください」となってしまうので、よろしくない。嘘だと思うならネイティブに訊いてみるといい(笑)。

that's all, men

「以上」とか「ここまで」のように使う。that's all for today (今日はここまで)などとよく言っているあれだ。

シラブル分割は that's/tsall/men の3シラブルで読む。

